The story of the second photo used for the service program for my mother.
The day after my mother passed away, I drove out into the veld, for some alone time. There were thunderclouds everywhere and the sky was showing lightning, the sound of thunder but hardly any rain. I remembered a story told to me, that the bushmen believe if a great Kalahari person passes into the spirit world then the Kalahari will acknowledge them with great lightning storms. So I took some footage and said “ Is that the best you’ve got?”. Next thing, the lighting increased, from the black clouds from Botswana side along the Kalahari side, 180 degrees worth, with lightning appearing every 5-6 seconds along this front and the thunder sounded just overhead. As I was the only metal object on this large flat street, I began to get a bit concerned. Needless to say I did a tactical withdrawal and reminded myself, sometimes, I really should keep my mouth shut. Anyway the display was spectacular and beautiful. Then the rain came and this lasted all through the night, only relented in the early morning. A fitting tribute, I would say.
One of the shots I took that evening, and the one, combined with my Mum and Kiki, that went onto the front cover of her Service program.
Image may contain: cloud, sky, outdoor and nature